by Zach Savich
Paperback / 68p. / Poetry
ISBN 978-1939568-77-9
Dandelion fences, twine wires, shoebox roses: Savich’s fanciful, stark meditations showcase the momentary and the momentous.
Momently is a collection of meditative but probing poems that ask questions of the tangible and the ephemeral, in which the every day is given a new weight. The celebrated poet's latest collection deepens his exploration of the delicate and the durable, of entropy and its remainders, offering an “ethics of deciding to see.”
Momently stays alert to “the language you can stand when you can't stand language,” cultivating insights and instances that may sustain us “here, where not even ruin lasts.”
“Savich delivers a profound meditation on life’s ephemeral nature in his ruminative fifth collection. These poems capture fleeting moments with a delicate, introspective touch, masterfully blending personal narratives with existential themes.”
“Savich moves between the vastness and the right here, from a hamburger in the parking lot to the circumstantial soul, and in doing so, we’re placed in the both-at-once as well, reminded of the grace and nothingness of the regular...”
“Savich uses the glance as a compositional element”
“Savich’s minimal lyricism amplifies the import and relationship of each image”
“a genius of the postmodern”
“crafts vibrant images of the natural world”
“working with some of the bedrock themes of poetry”
“embraces both reflection and its discoveries”