Four poems from Zachary Schomburg's Fjords, forthcoming from Black Ocean in 2012 are featured in the most recent issue of iO: A Journal of New American Poetry

                                        ...Everyone  looked
at me with a face that said let’s never speak of
this.  Let’s  not  look  directly  at what  is meant
to   be   loved   in   secret.


If you like what you see, you may be interested in a 2012 subscription. For $50 you'll receive Fjords, along with four other choice selections. August subscribers also receive Julie Doxsee's  first two books, Undersleep (Octopus Books) and Objects for a Fog Death (Black Ocean). 

Objects for a Fog Death Reviewed in The Collagist

The speaker in Objects for a Fog Death is not afraid of being unheard, so doesn't need to turn to the reader. The speaker is so unafraid that she even addresses the poem itself....It's as if she is aware of the fourth wall and actually closes herself in it, becoming a part of it, looking for the poem in the liquid "legal pad of words".

Check out Robert Alan Wendeborn's review of Objects for a Fog Death in The Collagist by clicking here! Published by Dzanc, The Collagist is a well-curated magazine with a lot of great work. The review itself is fresh and interesting, and if you haven't read Objects for a Fog Death yet, you'll want to after this review.