What Replaces Us When We Go
What Replaces Us When We Go
by Julie Doxsee
Softcover / 96 p. / Poetry
ISBN: 978-1-939568-22-9
Our tree-place leaks, a shudder
whites the heartbeat in my foot &
each small lined-up canoe whips away
so that when our oar-swirls meet, a
tornado stirs the whole brotherhood
& even the sun goes tornado.
In Julie Doxsee’s What Replaces Us When We Go, the urban poet invites transformation into a seaside forest home. Meanwhile, city grit continues to haunt her as cows and dogs roam the coast. Later, the poems travel through deserts as the speaker inhabits animal bodies, alternating between freezing and burning while moving through mechanical and serpentine landscapes in a perpetual state of wish.
“Doxsee has a gift for crafting visceral, sonically alluring images that are pliable yet precisely structured. . . . This is an enigmatic but perceptive inventory of emotions that emerge in the liminal land visited in waking dreams.”
Julie Doxsee is the author of several poetry collections, including Fog Death and Next Monsters, both also published by Black Ocean. She lives in Pennsylvania with her sons.