Though it's late making it to the blog, we posted about this on our Facebook page back in April... We have added another wonderful reader to our Lifetime Subscription list as a way of thanking her for the love and devotion she expressed for our books.
The above is a tattoo of a Lung and a Haircut, from a poem by the same title in Zachary Schomburg's Scary, No Scary, that Joy I. got on her forearm back in April.
Just a reminder: if anyone else out there wants to get a tattoo inspired by any of our books, our offer for a free lifetime subscrpition to future books still stands. See the original post about this for details.
In the week following our offer of a free lifetime subscription to anyone who got a tattoo inspired by one of our books, people have been blogging and reblogging the news. Here are just a few examples:
What's more, there is already another lifer who has joined the ranks... Robert W. got a tattoo of the antles from the With Deer cover at his local parlor today. He was kind enough to record the deed on video and post it to YouTube:
Here is a picture of the piece, raw and ready to heal:
And lastly, he blogs about his experience and reason for getting the piece over at the online magazine, Uncanny Valley.
While this is all amazing and fun and completely unexpected, it's also been really meaningful to me. I'd like to clarify that this is not simply a 'marketing gimmick' but a way for me to express my gratitude for the enthusiasm people are expressing. We're a small press that started only half a decade ago that I've kept running with the help of a devoted staff and a pocketful of credit cards. I just wanted to put out books that I believe in--that were important to me. In the process, others have found these books to be important and that's incredibly rewarding.
Thanks again to all our readers, tattooed or not. You keep us going.
It's recently come to our attention that our books are very popular with the kids these days. So popular in fact that they're getting tattoos to show their love. Tattoos!? Yes...
Following are three body modifications:
From top to bottom: Rebecca H. with a tattoo inspired by "The Center of Worthwhile Things" from The Man Suit; Kimberly D. with a tattoo inspired by the black telephone / white telephone section of The Man Suit; Brittany D. with a similarly excellent inspiration. I'm so moved by their devotion that I'm giving all three LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTIONS to Black Ocean.
Below is some dude who got a henna "tattoo" of the Scary, No Scary cover. But like a summer fling it is impermanent, and so he receives nothing more than our well wishes and fond memories...
If you'd like toget a tattoo inspired by a Black Ocean title, you too can receive a lifetime subscription and become a Black Oceanographer for life! Just send us a picture of you getting your tattoo (so we know it's not simply a magic marker), or find one of us in person and expose yourself to us (with fair warning). If only Persea Books had a deal like this going when I got my Paul Celan tattoo... *le sigh*... Thanks to the above individuals for being so particularly great!